
Friday, July 28, 2006

Macy Gray!

It's the final day of Celebrity Week here at Phlogiston and I was going to end things with a bang, showing my never-before-seen video of me and William H. Macy hanging out together and having a few drinks. But I just received a cease-and-desist order from Mr. Macy's lawyers barring me from ever airing that tape. And to keep 500 feet from Mr. Macy at all times.

Look, Bill (that's what I call him) seemed like a real nice guy. Really real, you know? Not one of those typical Hollywood phonies. I can only speculate that he wouldn't care about this video, but that his handlers (more like controllers) are the ones with their panties in a twist. So what if the two of us get a little "frisky" near the end? Neither of us are gay, just two tipsy guys palling around like guys do. No big deal, so just lighten up people!

Bill, if you're reading this, give me a call or something to let me know that the two of us are cool. Apparently, it would be illegal for me to call you.

Oh, and it occurs to me that the title of this particular post might make people think that its about that lady singer with the huge hair. Sorry for the confusion.


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